Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds Application

  • What is a Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds application for permanent residence?

This is a program designed to help people in Canada with exceptional circumstances, and who would suffer excessive hardship if they had to return to their home country to apply to immigrate to Canada.


  • Who can apply?

Every application received under Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds is assessed on a case by case basis. You can apply under this category if:

  • You are applying for permanent resident status in Canada.
  • You submit only one Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds application at a time.
  • You do not have a pending refugee claim.

Acceptance of permanent residence under Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds is highly discretional and the onus is upon the applicant to provide sufficient documents and proof for the application.

Our specially tailored services and step by step guidance can help you successfully apply and obtain permanent residence on Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds.

Book A Consultation To find out if you qualify.

You have questions? Contact us today, we’re here to help.